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> Seems like what you really want to say is "don't hate the player, hate the game."

More like, "Hate the game, and hate the player for playing it"

Instead of everyone joining in the patent suing racket, these big players should be lobbying for the laws to be changed

>Instead of everyone joining in the patent suing racket, these big players should be lobbying for the laws to be changed

Except you have to do both - if you ignore the racket you are much more exposed to lawsuits. Patents are used defensively between companies like Apple and Samsung, and if you give up that defense while trying to change the laws you are severely exposed. Tough balancing act..

The flip side of it is that I don't think we're likely to see these laws change until the current 2 party corrupt system is torn apart. Congress is completely bought and sold on both sides of the aisle and their owners like the current system (more laws = more lawsuits = more $$ for lawyers).

> Except you have to do both - if you ignore the racket you are much more exposed to lawsuits

Check this out: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/06/defensive-patent-licen...

Google and Facebook are playing as well: https://code.facebook.com/posts/1639473982937255/updating-ou..., https://www.google.com/patents/licensing/dpl/non-sticky/

It should be mentioned that both of the above corporations grant this patent license for use and modification of the software they have open sourced.

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