I was about to flag this but then I got to the link which explains what the incident actually was. I think it makes for relevant reading - both that such things happen, and for the way tech crunch handled it. It's an unsavory part of life, but this makes it more important to have such incidents as transparent as possible.
The fact that this happened to Techcrunch makes it peripherally related to technology, and thus the interest here. But I think thi sis pretty-much exactly what separates news about technology people from hacker news.
The fact that one or two articles in techcrunch were unreliable is hardly news, this is an isolated incident. The actual apology--from a 17 year-old who is not himself a hacker nor a startup founder and whether it is sincere or not--not hacker news in my opinion.
Humm. The apology is not fit to be here, true. The submission should probably have linked to the techcrunch article. But the issue I think is worthy of attention because of the hacker aspect, not because it's technology. There are many review sites out there, on pretty much any subject possible, and the way a high profile one deals with open corruption is interesting stuff, imho.