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John Carmack's dev notes on Doom Classic for iPhone (idsoftware.com)
32 points by mbrubeck on Feb 4, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

John is awesome. After hearing Doom Classic was out on the iPhone I immediately bought it and tried throwing myself into hell to see what would happen. Immediate reaction: Doom is really hard to play on a touch screen.

I really hope they make Doom 2 for either Xbox Arcade or the iPhone.

Everything is hard to play on a touch screen. Touch screens are horrible for gaming.

I also bought Doom Classic and found I got much better at it after just 20 minutes of playing. Still no comparison to mouse/keyboard for FPS games, but neither are console controllers...

I usually agree. One game that isn't a pain to play with it: MotoX Mayhem.

go buy a ds and swallow that comment.

"I doubt one customer in ten will actually play a network game of Doom Classic, but it was interesting working on it."

That may be true. On the other hand, I, for one, am going to become a customer because of the network game option.

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