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> I've used Lisp quite a bit (in fact, I did almost all of my first significant programming in Scheme) and even with that background, I've never bought the claim that Lisp gives you some huge practical syntactical/semantic gain over Ruby's already extremely expressive and extensible syntax. I guess I was hoping to be swayed.

Ruby's syntax is hardly extensible at all. All you're doing is changing the default scope with instance_eval and producing objects with the right intermediate behaviors. You can make some neat little DSLs with this trick, but it's not a real extension to the language.

For example try making the classic anaphoric if in ruby. Can't be done without resulting to cheap excuses like "Well it's a block argument."

It also frustrates me that people have thousands of objections to the pros people put forward for lisp, but no real objections except for an argument about parenthesis that's not even really true anymore. Prefix notion maybe? Oh no your arithmetic is slightly jumbled, everything else is exactly as you use it.

Ruby's syntax is hardly extensible at all. All you're doing is changing the default scope with instance_eval and producing objects with the right intermediate behaviors. You can make some neat little DSLs with this trick, but it's not a real extension to the language.

Whatever. The fact is that in Ruby you can easily write a DSL that looks as if it was custom rolled for the domain and task at hand. In fact, you can do it so transparently that people begin learning the DSL without learning Ruby (cf. Rails). If that doesn't mean Ruby's syntax is extensible, I don't know what does. (And, yes, I get the difference between Ruby's implementation of DSL support and True Lisp Macros; it's just unclear that the difference matters in any significant semantic way.)

I thought we were past trying to praise Lisp's features over Ruby's simply by calling Lisp's "real" (where "real" means exactly the same as Lisp's down to the backquotes and preprocessor). That argument is tautological: no language could ever possibly measure up to Lisp with that kind of criteria.

For example try making the classic anaphoric if in ruby. Can't be done without resulting to cheap excuses like "Well it's a block argument."

Raganwald et al seem to have managed just fine.


And deriding the brackets is just as meaningless as someone deriding the parentheses in Lisp. Speaking of which:

It also frustrates me that people have thousands of objections to the pros people put forward for lisp, but no real objections except for an argument about parenthesis that's not even really true anymore. Prefix notion maybe? Oh no your arithmetic is slightly jumbled, everything else is exactly as you use it.

Not my issue. Heck, I like Lisp! That said, I think Lisp evangelists are failing to make a case for it over, say, Ruby for precisely the reasons discussed ad nauseam in this thread.

> Whatever. The fact is that in Ruby you can easily write a DSL that looks as if it was custom rolled for the domain and task at hand. In fact, you can do it so transparently that people begin learning the DSL without learning Ruby (cf. Rails). If that doesn't mean Ruby's syntax is extensible, I don't know what does. (And, yes, I get the difference between Ruby's implementation of DSL support and True Lisp Macros; it's just unclear that the difference matters in any significant semantic way.)

If by "custom rolled" you mean "laden with :symbols, forced into ruby's function invocation structure."

> I thought we were past trying to praise Lisp's features over Ruby's simply by calling Lisp's "real" (where "real" means exactly the same as Lisp's down to the backquotes and preprocessor). That argument is tautological: no language could ever possibly measure up to Lisp with that kind of criteria.

Except that I don't make that claim. Dylan did it just fine. I'm asking for real modification of the syntax tree. I'm asking for a real extension of the parser. It's not tautological and there are examples in the wild of people actually succeeding here without the classic sexpr syntax.

> Raganwald et al seem to have managed just fine...

Dozens of lines to mimic at runtime what compiler extension just allows it, in a far more natural and understandable way. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was awkward.

> And deriding the brackets is just as meaningless as someone deriding the parentheses in Lisp.

I didn't deride brackets. I said that these complex runtime proxy solutions are hacks. It's like C++ people arguing they have anonymous functions because they can write Functor classes. It's a non-argument, because it's almost certain that you _can_ accomplish it. The question is, "How much extra complexity do I have to introduce in order to make this desirable way of programming possible."

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