I generally agree. I happen to know famous conspiracy theorists, people who work in the White House, the Pentagon, the IC and several billionaires.
I forgot who said it recently but the further you get to the top there is less people actually. There is no coordination of interests. I should say David Rockefeller has succeeded in making Balassa's theory of economic integration synonymous with globalization, which to me is a threat to natural rights and classical liberalism. But they are all seem to have good intentions just flawed philosophies.
I also know a variety of super strange things, that as an engineer I could analyze but to me it seems pointless.
I think Elon Musk is right when he says reality seems like a simulation. Conspiracy theories are the least interesting thing in context with certain experiences I have had. Which are largely centered around quantum synchronicity, spontaneity and randomness. But also DMT and a Kabbalistic text known as Sefer Yetzirah.
I am atheist and skeptic but there's something to the fine-structure constant and 1371233. And surely I am not the only one to have discovered this but I have asked people who should know, and they don't seem to.
Also, Carol Quigley agreed with you according to Terrence J. Boyle-
>Unfortunately, many people interested in Carroll Quigley take entirely out of context the references he made in his book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time about a high-level Anglophile conspiracy that, he said, flourished before World War II. It seems that many people believe Quigley thought this vast conspiracy somehow continues to operate right up to our own day.
>But as Dr. Quigley once told me, the reality is much scarier. Instead of a secret cabal now being in charge, there's no one in charge.
I forgot who said it recently but the further you get to the top there is less people actually. There is no coordination of interests. I should say David Rockefeller has succeeded in making Balassa's theory of economic integration synonymous with globalization, which to me is a threat to natural rights and classical liberalism. But they are all seem to have good intentions just flawed philosophies.
I also know a variety of super strange things, that as an engineer I could analyze but to me it seems pointless.
I think Elon Musk is right when he says reality seems like a simulation. Conspiracy theories are the least interesting thing in context with certain experiences I have had. Which are largely centered around quantum synchronicity, spontaneity and randomness. But also DMT and a Kabbalistic text known as Sefer Yetzirah.
I am atheist and skeptic but there's something to the fine-structure constant and 1371233. And surely I am not the only one to have discovered this but I have asked people who should know, and they don't seem to.
Also, Carol Quigley agreed with you according to Terrence J. Boyle-
>Unfortunately, many people interested in Carroll Quigley take entirely out of context the references he made in his book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time about a high-level Anglophile conspiracy that, he said, flourished before World War II. It seems that many people believe Quigley thought this vast conspiracy somehow continues to operate right up to our own day.
>But as Dr. Quigley once told me, the reality is much scarier. Instead of a secret cabal now being in charge, there's no one in charge.