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What with the whole "buy local" and "invest local" idea?

Have you ever the of the word "trade" and "merchants"? Do you "buy"? There's a reason for "specialization" and "division of labor". It's why we're so wealthy, because of our economy's vast ability to make stuff and transport stuff. Utilize people's comparative advantage, we can produce more unit of goods than we would otherwise if we do not specialize and trade.

Trade is the stuff of civilization. We should encourage more of it.

can never be overstated. TRADE IS CIVILIZATION! voluntary exchange for mutual benefit is the most powerful incentive against violent conflict. preventing powers from externalizing the costs of conflict onto others is the most important issue facing the world. it is holding back all other progress.

Not everyone thinks progress should be the ultimate goal, though.

Progress is by definition a good thing. The problem arises when it comes to classifying things as progress.

When you invest and buy local, you support your community and the people around you which often improves your community. It's easier to see or find out how the thing is made or how the money gets used. So, it's less likely you'll find lead in your toys or find a 14 year old picking your fruit. You are also closer to where whatever it is you bought is made and the people/company in which you are investing, which can mean fewer transactions, less taxes, less regulation, and overall less government and corporate involvement.

Locally produced food is the most obvious, practical thing to buy because it is fresher an tastes better which should be compelling enough on it's own.

I'm not saying don't trade, I just think we should think about what we're buying a bit more. As Fugazi said, "Never mind what they're selling, it's what you're buying!" Heh.

The two aren't mutually exclusive (specialization/trade and buying/investing local). Buying local food from farmers is still specialization and division of labor.

if "Trade is the stuff of civilization" as you say, is it not critical that our trade reflects our personal beliefs?

If you don't like what certain large corporations are doing, don't give them your money. In many cases, as with food, an easy way to do this is to buy from local farmers directly or through local coops.

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