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I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this. By keeping the function definition near the route instead of just defining a name, I feel that it's much, much cleaner.

> I doubt that we've used a disjoint set of web libraries,

I guess I mis-spoke slightly. I meant assigning a function to a route, because I consider that (in this case) it's an anonymous function to be an irrelevant detail. Basically, to me

    get "/hello", hello
    def hello
        puts "hello"
to be the as clear or less clear than the way Sinatra does it. Rails and Zend (the two frameworks I've used the most) put that 'def hello' in another file, elsewhere.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion. We've apparently boiled it down to taste, so it's a good thing there are multiple languages, I guess.

Thanks to you as well :). I even may come to see it your way in the near future, as it seems I'm going to be doing some Ruby coding for my new employer.

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