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I don't suppose it has occurred to anyone here that the reason certain passages appear twice is because they merited repeating? The Bible is meant to be read by people, and people often times take a while for a message to sink in once they're exposed to it. So it is worth including more important points several times to make them harder to miss. In rhetoric and writing, such repetition is not only taught but considered necessary for good speeches and writings.

It also merits noting that hyperlinks did not exist at the time. Repetition and duplication accomplished this function instead.

Hyperlinked Bible made me laugh. "And God spake unto them, follow this bit.ly link to be reminded of what I did unto the town of Sodom."

Of course, then we'd have comments fields, and someone would have tagged Psalm 51 as "Dupe"... probably Adam, who would also be responsible for writing "FIrST!!" on every Genesis update.

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