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Do you have any evidence for your 'society is going to collapse' theory? Because the rate of automation was much higher when all the farming jobs were replaced. Since then, many times over jobs were created and destroyed.

I could take a article from a birish newspapers, 200 years ago, replace 'maschines' with 'robots' publish it in the NYT and most us Progressives would not notice it.

The arugment is the exact same, and it has been for 200 years.

Why is it different 'this time'? The computer has existed for a long time, it has replaced many jobs already and society did not collapse.

The pridiction that IT will be crushed is also not knew, I remember the 'all the jobs will move to India' crap. No to mention all the ink spilled on 'runable specifications'.

What's different this time is there may not be any replacement job categories for those automated out of their current job.

Especially not one that produces enough economic value for the employer to be able to offer a living wage from a strictly capitalist valuation.

Where did the majority of farming and manufacturing jobs go after their respective revolutions? The services industry. Do you really think it can hold that many more jobs? And if not there, where? Creative pursuits? Most people just aren't cut out to be artists...

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