Advances like universal health care and basic income enable self-organizing democratically governed means of production. Where the surplus (profit) is shared amongst the participants, vs gobbled up by the executive class.
Ya, legit concern. The race to zero marginal cost worries me. My hope is that people will still value (economically) authenticity, fashion, locally sourced goods, etc. And maybe there's industries which are too small to bother automating.
I agree with you very much on this, but the key is, how can you streamline the process for creating such organizations? And make it easier for autonomous teams to find its participants and collaborate? And ensure the fruits of the activity are shared equitably? (I think Buffer leads in this regard; transparency first).
These are all problems that are going to need to be worked out, but I have hope they will be!
> Future of capitalism is worker owned cooperatives
Oh, please, go run a business with 20+ employees for ten years and then come back to this comment. You'll see juat how ridiculous it actually sounds. Until then, please stop thinking you understand how a business runs, 'cause you don't.
You probably meant "corporatists".
Future of capitalism is worker owned cooperatives.
Advances like universal health care and basic income enable self-organizing democratically governed means of production. Where the surplus (profit) is shared amongst the participants, vs gobbled up by the executive class.