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Google AI Challenge (uwaterloo.ca)
51 points by fogus on Feb 4, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

Due to other engagements, I've decided to pass on in participating this, but not before my imagination went wild :)

First iteration: this is a schoolbook-example of discreet state spaces; the moves of each player can be represented by a tree, in which we're searching for a node with the following properties:

-is it OTHERplayer's move

-without him having further valid steps

Using a breadth-first search, calculating the number of moves forward has a (both time, and space) complexity of N^3 (you can not move backwards). Calculating all of the possible steps forward, then selecting consistently moves, where all possible end-state is a winning state would yield a mathematically guaranteed always-win robot (to the extent the table's configuration allows for).

This is feasible for several of the built-in test maps (the ones without nasty combinatorial explosions), as well as in endgames.

Working from this one backwards, see how much space you can fill for each player at a given step! If fill(a) != fill(b) then one of the players has been cut off; and the one with larger space wins.

This should give you a good head start; of course, you still need to figure out a good heuristics, that puts you into a position for a killer state-space :)

These kind of collective challenges seem to me the best way to learn programming. If I had the time/money, I'd love to find a way to monetize a website dedicated to competitive challenges like this. I'm surprised TopCoder doesn't sponsor them.

About the problem itself, it seems solvable in a way that a good algorithm will never lose. Or am I off in my intuition?

I'm having trouble coming up with an evaluation function for game states. How can you tell which move is advantageous over another?

Deleted, my assumption about an m-by-n board with opponents starting in opposite squares was wrong [0]. Apparently, there will be arbitrary maps with what looks like mirrored (not random) starting positions. My intuition would then be to generate dynamic strategies which attempt to box the opponent. But that seems easier said than done :)

0. http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/contest/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10...

Very cool -- particularly the support for so many languages. I was expecting them to require java or some such...

Once they make scheme available, I might give it a shot.

It seems hardly fair that the waterloo students have already submitted their AI for it while the problem description page ( http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/contest/problem_description.php ) is empty.

The problem description can be found at the bottom of this page: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/contest/contest_information.php

Any idea what size grids the contest is actually using or at least within what order of magnitude? The graphic used seems to show a square grid with a size of around 15-20 on a side.

What is the connection to Google? It sounds more like the University of Waterloo AI challenge? Still sounds like fun.

they won the challenge last year, so they get to hold it i guess

The red text here makes them seem pretty paranoid about their ability to sandbox the submissions: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/contest/contest_information.php

As a kid I wrote AI for snake in Atari Basic. I was very proud of it since it played aggressively and when you moved your snake close to its, it turned to get in you way when it was sensible.

Working on this. The way the Ruby starter pack is written makes it mostly useless, so I ended up rewriting all the map class. I suppose that's what happens when they translate Java to Ruby.

I'm also trying Ruby on Mac OS X and I can't run any java simulations. Always throws a Bad Version number in .class file exception. I think I have the JDK, but anyway the most recent version on the Sun's website is not available for Mac OS X...

At my university they held Robocode contests http://robocode.sourceforge.net/

It was a fun way to learn programming.

Waiting eagerly for the Haskell starter kit...

Waiting for the C# kit, but maybe I'll use it as a way to teach myself Python or Ruby. Seems like a fun exercise!!

Yeah, I'm going to use this to improve my python skills. The last time I used python for anything remotely serious was 5 years ago... seems like it might be a bit dated.

Is there a good way to keep track of AI challenges as they come up? Or does HN seem to capture most of them?

I'm winning this at the moment 57-0-2.

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