Tcl/Tk interpreter and C libs are way more portable than js. It is actually stupid.
If we revamped the tk default look and coded directly in tcl/tk "apps" would more secure by default, less costly and doing the job a tad more correctly.
Instead of using UDP like stream over HTTP (webosckets) we could even use UDP or RTP or whatever native protocol that does the job. Even TCP. We could actually do the application without frameworks, without all these stacks, and with far less interoperability headaches (like testing for all browsers) and less vulnerabilities.
Not to say js is insane.
What is the competitive advantage for the web stack nowadays compared to tcl/tk after all?
And most people install firefox/chrome on windows rather than use IE.
Installing Tk/Tcl is easier than installing firefox/IE/chrome. Tk/Tcl does not require a lib to handle inconsistencies between different browsers and different versions of the same browsers (ff).
Btw :
Tcl/Tk = 29Mb
Firefox = 40Mb
Chrome = 52Mb
Memory footprint: Tcl/Tk is low usable in embedded system // most browsers have memory leaks.
Tcl/Tk // browsers:
- Positioning elements: Tk/Tcl 3 geometry managers (grid, packing...) while W3C CSS box model is an inconsitent mess
- Canvas: native // can or cannot be there (old versions) requires js
- Vectorial: Native // SVG
- Async : observers on variable (bind) & is aync by nature // callback in js
- Numbers : string coercion is sane // String coercion is inconsistent float by default (crypto does not like float)
- Functional : who cares? btw lists are lists not object
- Scopes : sane vs insane
- Modularity : Supports C binding AND module // $.getScript(url, callback)
- IO: accessing local files is possible // is not
- Widgets: you can make your own & reuse them by design
Tcl/Tk is way easier to learn than angular.
Why angular pop suddenly? Because angular bloated code aims at doing what tcl Tk does natively: makes UI components communicate together... without burning both CPU & RAM
So ... given the level of wtf in web development, tcl/tk seems pretty a smart choice nowadays ... if you care more about coding functionalities that works in a small footprint with less bugs than eye candying.
Edit: Bonus my C+tcl/tk code from 1996 with nice graphs still compile and work in 2016 ... 20 years stability.
"Engineering" advantage of webstack over Tcl is that it's actually running various, daily used apps on those 99% (or more) computers so lots of kinks were ironed out.
So you are a lemming suffering a Stockholm syndrome?
Go on. I am no lemming I will watch you with all the other unicorned lemmings experience the explosion of the IT bubble while I can still adapt with 20 yo technologies.
If we revamped the tk default look and coded directly in tcl/tk "apps" would more secure by default, less costly and doing the job a tad more correctly.
Instead of using UDP like stream over HTTP (webosckets) we could even use UDP or RTP or whatever native protocol that does the job. Even TCP. We could actually do the application without frameworks, without all these stacks, and with far less interoperability headaches (like testing for all browsers) and less vulnerabilities.
Not to say js is insane.
What is the competitive advantage for the web stack nowadays compared to tcl/tk after all?