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I have yet to see a Ruby "DSL" that didn't feel like Ruby

There are some out there though, for eg. FancyRoutes: http://www.railsinside.com/plugins/252-fancyroutes-a-nicer-d...

Really? That's the example you want to use. First thing I see on that page:

  get / 'orders' >> :orders > :index

  with route / :slug / 'order' >> :orders do
    get > :show
    put > :update

  get {'item_images' => :controller} / :image > :show
That looks like Ruby all over the place. Yeah, it overloads operator methods more than most Ruby code, but it's very clear that it's Ruby.

I and i think most people would disagree with you because above does not "feel like" Ruby.

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