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I'd rather have a strong brand filled with knowledgeable customers who truly enjoy and appreciate what I've created instead of making a quick buck - being just another fad.

Come on now, it hardly gets anymore faddish. It's just t-shirts, and people want them because cool people they know have them. The fact that there is some random theme to them makes it feel like you are "in the know" about something, even though nobody knows what the hell it means ("keep on trunkin'"). Once it hits mass market, the cool early adopters have moved on and it is all over.

It is still inspirational that a guy can succeed like this just by being himself and being an original, which is undoubtedly what got him his early customers. Who knew that people are so hungry for something real that they are ready to line up for four days just to buy a t-shirt? That is somehow depressing.

Awesome story.

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