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Rails 3.0.0.beta (github.com/rails)
28 points by mrduncan on Feb 4, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Just a single commit wherein DHH changes all the version numbers from 3.0.pre to 3.0.0.beta (curious, what's with the extra zero all of a sudden, or rather lack of it prior?).

Isn't that what releasing open source software is all about? I recall my astonishment recently when tagging 1.0 of my project on GitHub and making a blog post about it caused some actual excitement from people. Amazing to me was that the code hadn't changed dramatically for weeks; bumping the version number was the only real significant difference.

I think I understand the excitement of finally seeing a project "done," yet still it feels a little odd when you're the project owner and calling something "done" can be more like a fleeting feeling rather than an absolute.

Its mainly the idea that one of the creator's says it's ready for "beta" usage, instead of "edgy", that drives crazes like this.

It's a shame Github is down right now, or I'd be playing with this already.

A lot of downtime lately.

Indeed. Their service seems to have gotten worse since their move to Rackspace. I mean, I know they were sort of outgrowing EngineYard, and it wasn't the right platform for them technically, but it was still better than its been since the move.

I disagree, did you even use Github much before the move? I have a bunch of private repos and the new arch/hosting is much faster than the EY version was. As far as stability goes, a new arch means new code, which means new bugs. Give them a break.

Ok, but we paid them. Look here: http://twitter.com/github They really have problems nearly every day lately.

I prefer to download a repo a bit slower than not at all.

The last few days we were hit with a couple of issues, but prior to that the site was fairly solid for a number of months. There really is no comparison to our uptime on Rackspace compared to what it was on EY.

That said, we've hired additional people to mitigate the issues we've seen recently and we'll continue to make sure it stays up. If it's any consolation, the backend team hasn't slept much these past few nights trying to bring the site back up as quickly as possible.

Thanks for sticking around!

Glad you are listening. I hope you can fix these issues so everyone's happy.

For a framework that prides itself on the "Don't repeat yourself" principle, a single version number bump required repetition 22 times :)

Of course, this is all in the build-files and the gem specifications, so it's understandable.

From the comments,

    You shouldn't be surprised, action mailer, active support, active record, 
    action pack, active resource and rails itself are all separate gems.
    If they are separate gems, they each need their version numbers.

I would go check it out, but...(see upstream articles) sigh

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