> Then it proceeds to the grammatical error of "insure" which almost made me stop reading
Let's hope the management reading the letter wasn't so fickle. Oh wait, hmmmmmm.
> The total loss of a future shuttle mission and the death of its crew is a near certainty with our current booster o-ring design.
From the point of view of the engineer, that would be a misrepresentation of the facts. An exaggeration.
You're basically outlining the difference between engineers and marketers. I don't mean that as a sleight - perhaps the situation called for a bit of "marketing".
Let's hope the management reading the letter wasn't so fickle. Oh wait, hmmmmmm.
> The total loss of a future shuttle mission and the death of its crew is a near certainty with our current booster o-ring design.
From the point of view of the engineer, that would be a misrepresentation of the facts. An exaggeration.
You're basically outlining the difference between engineers and marketers. I don't mean that as a sleight - perhaps the situation called for a bit of "marketing".