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Screen has a very large chunk of the potential market share for this sort of utility app. Tmux is going to have to be 10 times better to get people to switch. ("Screen" also has a name that's easy to remember, and to spell.)

Is tmux 10 times better than screen? Cause that's what it's going to take to get people to switch at this point.

Not 10 times, no. On the other hand, tmux is improving quickly; if not every day, at least every week. screen, on the other hand, seems pretty stagnant.

That's because screen does what most people who use it want. I haven't used "new" functionality in newer versions of screen since I first started using it years and years ago.

Not having used either program, I'm more inclined to try tmux just because it seems to give some visual cues about what's happening. Gnu-screen seems oriented entirely towards remembering commands, something that doesn't appeal to me.

That said, I think both programs more explanation concerning what they do.

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