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Why the strong reaction against advertisements? Are they such a terribly efficient means of mind control that no collection of individuals banning together should be allowed to sponsor them?

If so, then why allow any advertisement at all?

Advertising for products is of course fine. The reaction is against playing in the political arena with an agenda motivated by their profit rather than the overall good of the country.

Not only that, but if I make money selling porn, do you want me to use my power accrued from people's lust to be used to promote some agenda completely unrelated like say... teaching creationism? People need porn, but most people don't want creationism. So should porno buyers be forced to indirectly support creationism?

If something is beneficial to the people, the people will vote for it. It's the fundamental of democracy.

Do customers of your employer really want their money to indirectly support your political views? Probably not. Therefore, you (like a corporation) should be forbidden from spending your own money trying to persuade people that your point of view is correct.

I should not be forbidden because i'm a human. A company is inhuman. It may be like a human because it has corporate bylaws that can potentially change, but it is not a human. It does not have equal rights granted by the government. THe government serves humans.

Your humanity is entirely orthogonal to the argument you made:

"Not only that, but if I make money selling porn, do you want me to use my power accrued from people's lust to be used to promote some agenda completely unrelated like say... teaching creationism? People need porn, but most people don't want creationism. So should porno buyers be forced to indirectly support creationism?"

Even if you're just a clerk in a porn store or a model on a porn site, customers are equally "forced" to support whatever you do with your paycheck.

He has no answer, for he is HEADCRAB ZOMBIE!

When I said "if I made porn", I was referring to me, the porno company. Not me, the citizen.

And? You keep harping on the distinction while carefully avoiding explaining why it should make a difference - beyond declaring that yes, there is indeed a distinction.

When I give money to a company, I am in no way "forced" to support anything the company or any employee does afterward. I've spent my money; it's theirs, now, not mine.

If I really don't like what they do, I can avoid buying from them.

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