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Well of course. The vast majority of students are there to get the piece of paper that they can then staple to their resume. You don't get that by auditing open course ware.

yup, i hope this encourages other universities to invest in opening up their resources too. it doesn't at all dilute their 'brand', and it helps spread free education to people across the world who can't afford to attend in person

What about people that can afford to attend, already know the material, but need a piece of paper?

There's a few "competency-based" universities that don't test you on your ability to sit in a classroom for four years but instead test your actually competencies in the field. Western Governors University is the one I'm most familiar with. There are many people who've been working in a field for some time that can get a bachelors degree in less than a year by just taking the required tests.

>> The vast majority of students are there to get the piece of paper...

And, in BYU's case, to meet other Mormons.

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