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They've been routed to /dev/null since 1981!

No, they haven't.

These subnets have not been advertised.

The difference is that when a device tries to send a packet to, your PC would send the packet to its default gateway, that gateway would send it to your ISP, and one of the ISP's edge routers would determine that there was no route to the host and reply with a message stating the packet is unroutable.

For the classic RFC reserved subnets, like, most routers were setup to drop any inbound/outbound packets addressed to or from those subnets, which is more like routing them to /dev/null.

OK, while they may not actually have been dropped or routed to /dev/null in a technical sense, they have been inaccessible in such a way that if making them "inaccessible for a while" was going to reduce the traffic to them, as suggested by the post I was replying to, then it would have had that effect already and this surprise traffic wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Ah, I see what you were saying. Yes, the problem here is that they WERE unassigned, and so people lazily or unintentionally started using these IP's for other purposes. Now that they are "real", it seems like some portions of these subnets are going to be practically unusable.

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