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Toto - Heroku blogging in 10 seconds & 230 LOC (cloudhead.io)
65 points by cloudhead on Feb 3, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I really like the idea.

I've casually been working on a similar project except with PHP.



It's 1 file, under 250 lines of code, and powers a fair number of blogs now. Also uses a file for storage (no database needed).

Any example blogs out there? Obviously it's configurable, but just having an example or demo blog out there might be nice.

Yep any example blogs you can point us to? Very cool idea!

This seems to borrow a lot from Jekyll (http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll/usage), or maybe both are borrowing from some common ancestor?

Yea, I evaluated jekyll, scanty, webby, aerial and a couple of other similar engines before making this, but none of them really worked the way I wanted.

what about how jekyll works made you want to do something else?

Two reasons mainly:

- I wanted it to play well with Heroku, Jekyll generates files, which is incompatible with the read-only filesystem of heroku.

- I wanted something really simple, Jekyll's become a little too heavy for what should be a simple task.

I agree that jekyll's getting a bit heavy, although I'm definitely not even taking full advantage of all it's features. I still don't know much about Heroku though, and this might be a good way to try it out.

i cant seem to reply to your reply...

as to your point 1, have you seen:


Rael Dornfest's http://www.blosxom.com/? I'd say that blazed the trail ~10 years ago for this type of software. I know for me at least, Blosxom was incredibly eye opening.

Thanks for this, I'm enjoying it!

You probably want to add something like

  set :url,       "http://example.com"                      # site root URL
to your config.ru documentation.

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