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Python is a dogmatic language. For the language, this is a good thing, helping it stay clean, simple and yet still powerful. But for the community, it breeds rabid fanboys, just like everything else that's dogmatic.

I don't know. Haskell is quite dogmatic in some ways. The people on the Haskell cafe mailing list don't strike me as rabid fanboys.

You must be joking. People like Dons run or use a blog spidering program for anything that mentions Haskell.

In less than 10 minutes after posting anything remotely negative about Haskell, I have a horde of angry fanboys telling me how I am an idiot.

Really, now? I can't say I've ever seen dons be anything other than polite and helpful. Not to mention that he's one of the most knowledgeable Haskell programmers out there, especially on the "practical real world use" front.

You may be right. That's why I only talked about the stuff I have some experience with, and that's the civilized Haskell cafe mailing list.

I guess that may (or may not) show that a single language can be part of different cultures.

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