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Not related to the article, but I really like the setting and layout of the top section. Felt like I was reading a magazine!

These fancy new blogazines, as the kids are calling them, make me really wish I had design chops. My regular old blog looks so lame and uninteresting by comparison.

Raganworld's markdown rendered blog @ github http://github.com/raganwald/homoiconic has convinced me that while eye-candy and design is great, it is the content of the blog post itself that is of more value to me as a reader.

Ironically, it did the opposite for me. I used to read and enjoy Reg's blog posts. Since he made the change to the new format, I don't think I've read anything he's written there: it doesn't work like anything else any more, and while his blog was one of those I enjoyed, I rarely go out of my way to find content like that when there are many other blogs competing for my limited spare time.

I like the choice of image--a king snake. Looks venomous, but is harmless.

The caption says San Pueblan Milksnake, but still.

Milk Snakes are a kind of King Snake. I had way too much time on my hands with Time Life's "Reptiles" hardcover when I was little...

The poisonous snake the stripes are thought to mimic:


Something weird is happening in that layout though. Maybe it's just Chrome/Webkit but if you double click anywhere a grid overlays itself onto the page. It seems to be on purpose ( background-image: url(http://blog.peepcode.com/images/grid/27px-leading-w-60-80-gr...); ) but it seems quite bizarre.

from the bottom of the page: "Double-click anywhere on this page to see our typographical & layout grid above."

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