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I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but I agree with Joel on this one:

"They don’t care about money, actually, unless you’re screwing up on the other things. If you start to hear complaints about salaries where you never heard them before, that’s usually a sign that people aren’t really loving their job.


That doesn’t mean you can underpay people, because they do care about justice, and they will get infuriated if they find out that different people are getting different salaries for the same work, or that everyone in your shop is making 20% less than an otherwise identical shop down the road, and suddenly money will be a big issue."

An employer could really take advantage of me monetarily if they provided a work environment that was that cool. Aside from that, as long as I make enough to make a decent living, I don't care. When I'm considering working for a new company, money really is a secondary issue.

Joel is awesome, althought I don't agree with him on everything. He's got it nailed. When you're working a dead-end job, being paid less than everyone at other companies, in an environment where even your chair is falling apart, doing the same thing you did last year and the year before, money becomes a very big issue. It's why they pay people big bucks at banks to do COM/ATL programming. No one wants to do it and everyone recognizes it. I wish companies would take a deeper look at themselves and say "Am I really making a difference to my employess?"

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