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As an engineer I'm not particulartly concerned about money, provided that I get paid some "living wage" which allows me to not have to worry about paying bills, rent, etc. I'd rather spend my time working on interesting projects with some modest but liveable wage than do something boring (or of questionable ethical value) on a high wage.

Is the work you will be doing on these "interesting projects" the thing you would pick if you were a multimillionaire and didn't have to work?

If not making as much as you possibly can, with the lowest living standard you can get away with is a better bet imo. I can't imagine any place letting me work on what I want when I want to all the time, and even if there were such a place what happens when I invent something? My name is on a list with a bunch of other mostly unrelated people?

If money were no obstacle I'd still be working on similar projects. The "interesting projects" are things which are on the outside of the envelope of what we currently think of as possible. Making progress on interesting projects means expanding the scope of human endeavor.

Fair enough. In your case it makes sense then.

Or in other words, I'm attempting to maximize my societal impact rather than the amount of money in my bank account.

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