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Unboxing a never-opened Apple IIc - photoset (flickr.com)
22 points by joshwa on Feb 5, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Brings back good memories: Hard Hat Mack, Bollo, Captain Good Night, Gemstone Warrior, Super Mario Bross, Moon Patrol, and lots of lots of good games. Let's not forget - Castle Wolfenstein!!!

I showed this to my father and he cried. He couldn't believe someone would open it after so long.

Ahhh my love... Apple //c is what changed my life.

i have an original ipod that it's still shrinkwrapped. i'll make a flickr photoset in another 20 years.

Photoset for antiquity's sake? Optimistically, we'll probably be in the Matrix/on the Holo-deck by then...

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