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The correct response is not to say "fuck you, pay me." It is "wow, that's awesome, pay me."

Working at a good company, on a good team, on a cool project - those are true benefits, that's why people talk about them. But in this context, they're just a negotiation tactic. Therefore, don't feel like you have to take a wage below what you feel is justified. Decide what you think you're worth and ask for it.

On the other hand, if you don't get what you want, then either you're not very good at negotiating or your market value doesn't match your perception.

(On the other other hand, you could just apply to Netflix where they make it a policy[1] to pay you the highest salary in the range for your position. No negotiating needed.)

* [1]http://www.netflix.com/Jobs?id=5366#reason4

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