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Not true for everyone. I've gotten offers between $95-220k recently for a software developer position. I didn't choose the top end, though if given the choice again, I don't know. I also have other friends in the same situation. One chose the top end, the other is still thinking, but will probably choose mid-range. Sorry to be vague and anonymous.

Sure, but that's about as big as the range gets, and it's still much smaller than my example. The point is that people are not choosing between offers that are the difference between night and day.

95k - 220k seems like a pretty big difference to me, that's more than double. I too was in a position not too long ago where I had to choose between a small $X salary at a cool company and a salary of 4*X at a less cool company. I was even leaning towards the smaller salary until I had some health problems kick in and decided that I needed health insurance.

In hindsight, I'm very happy with my decision and glad I didn't drink the kool-aid.

A friend of mine just left Google to work for Goldman Sachs in New York (as an analyst). Google paid her $90k + stock options that brought her salary up to about $160k/year. Goldman Sachs is paying her $390k as an analyst (for her intimate knowledge of Google), with a target bonus of 65% of her salary, and a goal bonus of 120% of her salary.

Some people really are making the choices between such wide ranges.

At what point do these wide ranges cease to be a choice? ;)

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