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I wouldn't say the only one but there are certainly a lot that aren't like that.

I personally given the option between Job A and Job B where Job B pays less but has more interesting problems/more freedoms I will take Job B every time. I can say that with confidence because I've done it twice already and in one case where Job A was paying almost twice as much.

Why? Well in any case Job B is going to still be paying me a lot compared to most people so its not as if I will be suffering by working for less. Secondly my time doing something I don't enjoy is a LOT more expensive than my time doing something I enjoy and lastly because at Job B I'll often get to improve myself and try new technologies/products/ideas that will better prepare me for the future that I never get to try at Job A. The cost to do those things in my free time would often add up to quite a bit making the difference in salary smaller with the other difference being made up by the lower end moving up with your new found skills.

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