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PG added to VC panel at Google IO, May 19-20 (code.google.com)
19 points by ratsbane on Feb 3, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'm looking forward to Google IO at Moscone in San Francisco this year. They've just added Paul Graham to the Tech and Innovation Panel along with Albert Wenger, Chris Dixon, Dave McClure, Brad Feld, and Dick Costolo.

Who else among Hacker News readers will be there?

I'd love to go, but it seems kind of pricey - did anyone go last year? And if you did, did you think it was worth it? (Not including the benefit of the free phone, which I don't think they'll do again.)

That first paragraph really reads like an advertisement.

I'm not saying you got any personal gain from writing that, and I might just be crazy, but it really sounds like some celebrity in a commercial would awkwardly read off of a teleprompter when sponsoring a product he's never actually used.

Weird. I just typed that quickly and submitted without thinking much about it, but after reading your comment ... maybe you're right? But, fwiw, I don't work for Goog, Moscone, City of San Fran, etc. and I really am looking forward to the IO conference this year. IO in '08 was nice. I didn't go in '09 (the year they gave out Android phones to everyone.)

Could I interest you in some sort of amazing new paper towel that cleans up spills?

Mibbit will be there in the sandpit, with our bucket and spade - http://code.google.com/events/io/2010/sandbox.html

I'm planning on going, looks like a fantastic panel!

Living in San Francisco, it's getting harder and harder to get excited about conferences. I find myself at 7-10 per year, and the infrastructure events blend in with each other, as do the startup events. Generally the same people saying the same things, often in very self-serving ways .. like Mark Pincus telling everybody they will fail as entrepreneurs if they don't work for Zynga or Facebook first, or Paul Graham trying to make you feel bad if you didn't drop out of a university in exchange for $20k to build a web app.

7-10 is probably just too many.

I haven't been to any event for about 18 months or something, so Google IO should be fun (and scary) for me. Looks like some great topics + talks etc

well, they are very valuable for me as this will the first time I hear about these in real (as in real world not from a computer screen), actually I will specificly come to SF for these type of events.

That is not the message of either Mark Pincus or Paul Graham.

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