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Yeah... Though I think an analysis of the lyrics would suggest that they weren't in a sober signal-analysis kind of mood when making this record..

    Drop out of life with bong in hand
    Follow the Smoke toward the Riff filled Land
    Drop out of life with bong in hand
    Follow the Smoke toward the Riff filled Land
    Creedsmen roll out across the dying dawn
    Sacred Israel Holy Mountain Zion
    Sun beams down on to the Sandsea reigns
    Caravan migrates through deep sandscape
    Lungsmen unearth the creed of Hasheeshian
    Procession of the Weed-Priests to cross the sands
    Desert Legion Smoke-Covenant is complete
Plus, if you've spent all your advance on custom amps and weed, you might as well put them to use.

The band name "Sleep" and song titled "Dopesmoker" didn't tip you off?

Dude, I saw them in 2009 at their first reunion show. I've been tipped off for a while now.

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