Do you have any good tutorial on how to use pkg_resources ? I use pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent but it's not zip safe. Problem is, I can't wrap my head around pkg_resources and the docs don't help.
Yeah, docs are a bit fuzzy and I'm not exactly sure what the right answer is.
So there are actually two ways to go about it AFAIK and I'm not entirely sure which one is the best. One is to list files in and then access it via __file__, but I think this doesn't work if your module gets turned into an egg/wheel (it's for source dists).
On the other hand is using pkg_resources, where you declare the list of files in the package_data argument to setup in your You can then get the contents of that file (not its path) by importing the pkg_resources package, which provides a lookup table of loaded resources. This [apparently] works for binary dists but not source dists (the opposite of MANIFEST).
I've used pkg_resources without issue myself, but it's possible I just have been lucky. In any event, here's a few links discussing the differences and also how to use pkg_resources: