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You Be The VC -- Your Idea + Our Support = Your Company (youbethevc.com)
13 points by nreece on Feb 5, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

So what the hell does "You Be The VC" mean, when it appears to be an incubator? They'll provide office space and seed money if I front $1 million, drive an expensive car and attempt to wrestle them off the board?

Am I missing something, is this satire that just went right over my head?

[Edit: I think I get it now, the slogan isn't aimed at the entreprenuers that enter, it's aimed at the visitors that vote. Does anyone else think this is absurd branding, or am I just having a Day of Comprehension -5?]

No, it's very confusing. The problem is that they use "you" while pitching to two different people.

This gives me the chills quite a bit. I suppose there's a chance at some fortuitous fame here - but only if this thing is a success at all. I'd hate to blow an opportunity with an idea I had on something weird like this - why not just go a more traditional route? This seems more risky than rewarding - but that's just my at-a-glance impression.

".. but we also will be taking a stake in the winning companies .. " Do they say how much they will take? I can't find the figure on their site. They should mention this. Also, I don't think the services they provide are so valuable to a spanking new startup (i.e. Administrative support, IT, Accounting support, Tax services). Does IT include hosting costs? Tempting.. but so many questions not answered

This looks like a recipe for disaster.

I know, we've all heard the expression, "Ideas are worthless; execution is everything." I don't buy it and never have.

Ideas are NOT worthless; they have value, some much more than others.

So I'm supposed open my idea to others to vote on? I think not.

Here's an idea: don't ask me for my idea until you earn my trust.

Some of the judge choices are ridiculous. It would be pretty weird being judged by some of them.

Great opportunity to meet Curt Schilling.

Weird that Leah Culver is wearing sunglasses in her photo.

They got the gradients on the web 2.0 buttons wrong. They're not one of us.

This is the funniest thing I've read on this site ... ever.

Anyone read "You Could Win Your Very Own Company!" as a bubble indicator?

I hate to say it (I'm the last one to point and say "look! a bubble!") but that does strike me as irrational exuberance...

It looked possibly interesting, until the Cambridge location requirement.

Yeah... you also can't do it if you've raised any external funding at all.

Is it a light bulb? Is it a Yonic symbol? Is Yonic the opposite of Phallic?

If you're stupid enough to seek the approval and affection of a bunch of lawyers and mega-corp. Office-Space type VPs of whatever, you don't have the confidence it takes to start your own company in general, let alone to do so and persever in this economic climate. With all the time and energy you'd waste in this process you'd probably be able to find ways to do imprtant stuff for free.

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