Project management SaaS is a suuper crowded space. You appear to be targeting businesses, educators, designers, organizers, writers, web developers, logistics planners, therapists, and probably more that didn't fit on the screen. If you're a one man band, you're better off picking a really targeted niche that the existing players in the project management space find too small to care about. Otherwise you'll end up competing with people who have more manpower, more experience and more money.
Apart from that, getting to this stage in three days is really impressive. Congrats on finishing & shipping, and doing it fast.
Thanks. You make some good points. I built it more with the idea that I could use it personally and, talking with some friends, realized that other people would probably find it useful too. The industries on the homepage were more me fishing for use cases than anything else. My hobbies / jobs are kind of all over the map so I wanted a simple tool I could use to manage anything I was working on. Thanks for the feedback and taking the time to check it out!
Apart from that, getting to this stage in three days is really impressive. Congrats on finishing & shipping, and doing it fast.