It's nice to see an article on developing for the new Apple TV, but I've been hoping to see an article like this for a paid tvOS app (up front or IAP).
I received one of the first round developer units myself and started on a number of ideas, both to test the capabilities of it as well as the market. Because of my workload at the time, I missed the deadline to have something out on launch day. Sadly, that seems to have been a good thing -- I have read nothing positive about the reality of marketing for and producing on the tvOS App Store. Everything indicates it's even worse off for revenue prospects than the iPad app market, which, aside from games, is on a steady decline.
While I'm sure we'll never know, I'd love to know what Apple actually expected to happen with the opening of this new App Store given the state of its other ones.
I think they expected what they've had. Some solid apps that converted over immediately and then increasing adoption from the iOS development community over time. This adoption curve probably looks similar to the consumer adoption curve of the new device.
FWIW, we've had a lot of success with our IAP driven app @ Craftsy. Apple TV revenues are definitely not the size of iPad or iPhone yet, but are promising.
A bit off topic, but have you guys thought about breaking out into electronics classes? I bought a photography class and thought it was quite a nice learning platform. I'd love to learn an Arduino or Rasberry Pi project on it.
I received one of the first round developer units myself and started on a number of ideas, both to test the capabilities of it as well as the market. Because of my workload at the time, I missed the deadline to have something out on launch day. Sadly, that seems to have been a good thing -- I have read nothing positive about the reality of marketing for and producing on the tvOS App Store. Everything indicates it's even worse off for revenue prospects than the iPad app market, which, aside from games, is on a steady decline.
While I'm sure we'll never know, I'd love to know what Apple actually expected to happen with the opening of this new App Store given the state of its other ones.