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Losing a Unix password file in the 1990s would have been newsworthy. Password files were "secured" using Unix crypt(3), an algorithm that at least made a nod towards resisting brute force attacks --- so much so that when PHK wrote FreeBSD's md5 scheme, he iterated it PBKDF-style, because even then it was clear that using cryptographic hashes "straight" was a bad idea.

The biggest differences between Mindvox losing it's password file in 1995 and a webapp losing its user table in 2010 are:

* Web apps are getting fielded with straight SHA1 hashes, which is inferior even to FreeBSD's original MD5 hash scheme.

* Brute force attacks have gotten much faster.

The main advantage to bcrypt over, say, AES, is that the key setup is really slow. Mazieres spotted a weakness in Blowfish and turned it into a benefit.

Is there some real argument you have with me? I agree: if you lose your user table, you have real problems apart from losing password hashes --- though we could bicker about which of those problems is worse. Where are you disagreeing with me?

I never said SHA-1, a cryptographically insecure hash, was a good choice. It's important to note in your differences that, for the most part, cryptographic hash functions in current use have gotten much slower (e.g., SHA-256 vs MD5), but are also getting much better (SHA-3 competition).

The argument I have is this: The passwords that are going to be hitting Rapidshare in your scenario are the crappy or short ones, whether you use bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2, salted hashes or HMAC. Encourage them to use bcrypt or some other iterative technique for the security benefits, but don't exaggerate and tell them that they're "effed" if they have salted hashes. They're still a long way away from storing passwords in plaintext.

You're arguing for the sake of arguing. The developing weaknesses in SHA-1 don't make it a poor password hash. That's an irrelevant factoid you threw in to cloud the argument.

Pick a number of passwords to lose from a table. Hash them with any of the SHA-3 contestants and a "salt": you will lose more. Hash them with bcrypt, you will lose less.

Again I'm left asking you: what's your point? What are you trying to prove? That you know that there's a SHA-3 contest? You haven't refuted anything this article says; in fact, you keep accidentally managing to validate it.

I'm not "arguing for the sake of arguing." I'm trying to explain my point to you, and I'm doing so in a polite manner, which is exactly what I'd expect from you.

The weaknesses in SHA-1 make it a poor cryptographic hash, which make it a poor pseudorandom function, which has a significant potential to make it a poor password hash.

My point, for the second time, is that you're not "effed" if you use salted hashes.

I'm not trying to "prove" anything. I'm stating my opinion on the matter. This isn't a pissing contest, rather, a forum for discussion.

All public results against SHA-1 are collision attacks. Password hashing doesn't rely on collision-resistance, only one-wayness. Not even MD5 has any published preimage attacks against it. The known weaknesses in these functions have nothing to do with why they're poor choices for password storage.

I'd like you to explain how you'd exploit a problem with SHA-1, or, to make it more interesting, MD5 or MD4, to attack a "typical" hashed password (say, Keychain.app "memorable") more quickly than via iterated brute force.

Currently such attacks are infeasible, but there are some very interesting, and very promising families of collision-based attacks (such as herding) which may yield results in that area, although such attacks may only work in specific cases.

Uh. All of the current SHA-3 candidates are as fast or faster than SHA-1. That's one of the contest's design goals:

NIST expects SHA–3 to have a security strength that is at least as good as the hash algorithms currently specified in FIPS 180–2, and that this security strength will be achieved with significantly improved efficiency.


Yes, that's why I specifically said, "in current use." No one should be using SHA-3 hash functions. SHA-256 and SHA-1 are much slower than MD5 and very much slower than MD4. The "Getting much better" comment was in reference to speed improvements as well as security improvements (such as removal of vulnerability to length-extension attacks).

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