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I'm familiar with cperciva's scrypt, and I think it's a great solution. That said, I've only seen C and Ruby bindings for it.

I'd love to recommend its use over bcrypt, as memory constraints are much more expensive than computational constraints, but recommending something most developers don't have access to would result in more weak hashing schemes in production.

In any language with sane FFI, scrypt is pretty easy to write new bindings for. At my previous job I wrote a complete scrypt plugin for Openfire in a weekend, and only a couple hours of that was for writing the JNI bindings.

Toss it up on GitHub, man.

I wasn't able to convince my boss to let me open-source it.

Awww. :(

I'm no cryptographer, so maybe this is a silly question... Any reason why I shouldn't just reimplement it in the high level language of my choice and release it open source?

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