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I have never, never, EVER had flash crash. Nor has anyone else I know. But then, they all use PCs..

It's always easy to spot people who make a living programming solely in Flash. It's kind of an interesting phenomenon -- people will suddenly, and vocally, speak up in support of Flash with outlandish claims.

I'm not sure who's making the outlandish claims here.

I haven't programmed Flash in my life, but I can't say I've had Flash crash on me more often than, say, once a few months. Definitely not often enough that I notice it as a major annoyance, on either Mac or Windows.

Now, Flash is annoying for other reasons, but crashing isn't one -- for me.

For me, Flash crashes multiple times every day in OS X 10.5. Clicktoflash is a godsend for Safari stability without plugin process separation.

(offer an anecdote, receive an anecdote.)

Anecdotes are fine. It's extrapolating to "It's always easy to spot people who make a living programming solely in Flash" that I'm taking an issue with.

Then you should have said that when you replied, not state that it wasn't an outlandish claim.

I don't make a living programming in Flash. :)

It isn't just the crashing, it's also the annoyance of having some craptastic Flash banner ad taking way more than it's share of CPU. I've seen that on Windows and OS X.

The two words that make me close a site instantly: "Skip Intro".

So you like non-skippable intros better?

Yes. I also like intros that resize the window, fire off two or three Orbitz pop-unders, and launch a fake Windows 7 antivirus checker on my OSX Safari browser when I try to close it.

Flash causes my browser to become non-responsive every day at least once. But then I'm using 64-bit Linux with Flash Player 10 which is still in beta IIRC. Even so, it's the most noticeably poor aspect of my web experience. I could go back to FP9 but it was not much better and I don't want to loose full screen video.

Oh, that's one more plus for switching to Chrome browser I hadn't realised (I've been using Chrome for a few days exclusively; I do web dev so this is a big thing).

You're on Windows, aren't you?

Flash has issues with Windows 7. Big enough to be recognized in the support forums and given a dirty fix that only works half the time.

In most browsers you wouldn't know if it was Flash that crashed or the browser itself. In Chrome it is more explicit.

In most browsers you wouldn't know if it was Flash that crashed or the browser itself. In Chrome it is more explicit.

I've never had my browser crash on me either. Firefox-user on Windows here. To me Chrome seems to "fix" a problem I've never, ever had.

Well, I've seen Firefox crash numerous times on different platforms. Flash is more prone to crashing on OSX and Linux but I've seen Flash kill browsers on Windows (XP, Vista, 7) frequently enough to be quite aggravating.

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