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Google Apps Script now available for all (googleenterprise.blogspot.com)
13 points by jot on Jan 31, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Not true. It's only available for Standard Edition. That means having Google Apps for your domain, not just anyone with a gmail account.

I should know, I work on it.

By the way, if any of you have comments, suggestions, requests, feedback... whatever we can do to help you be more productive via Google Apps Script... let me know.

(I realize this isn't quite your area, but perhaps you can pass along to the right person?)

I love love love Google Apps for your domain, been using it for years now. But the one thing that always bites me is not being able to integrate it with the Google Account that I'm stuck using for all the non-apps services.

BTW, Google Apps Script looks very cool. Now I just gotta find a nail for this shiny new hammer :)

Is there a workaround for the lack of event driven support? For example, in this Expense Approval tutorial:


Section 4 says:

Google Apps Script still does not support an onFormSubmit event, so administrators need to regurlarly run a script to process new expense reports and approvals. Subscribing to notifications (menu 'Tools', 'Notification rules') could be helpful for now. 1. As an administrator, from the Code Editor, manually run the script onReportOrApprovalSubmit.

Could those events be raised from another job running in the app engine?

Sorry, realise now that my title doesn't make that clear. Unfortunately it's too late to edit it now :(

Great work though! Far more long term potential than VBA macros :)

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