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Hmm, to me it reads as: Having never seen and committed to memory the face of Aaron, I did not consider his brother as anything other than an individual whom I had interacted with for the first time.

Your comment (to me at least) seems to suggest Noah wanted everyone to associate Noah with Aaron, and in the same moment wanted to be unhappy by said association, which doesn't seem like a fair thing to say about Noah.

>> ... I did not consider his brother as anything other than an individual whom I had interacted with for the first time...

Agreed. And to continue his/her presumed train of thought, in my own words:

" Whoah! ... but now I realise that the guy I met was really somebody. He was Aaron's brother."

>> Your comment (to me at least) seems to suggest Noah wanted everyone to associate Noah with Aaron ...

I have no idea how you arrived at this interpretation of my comment. Though I can agree that if I had been making such a suggestion it would have been unfair to Noah.

Anyway, I don't believe it is worth pursuing this further. We have at least demonstrated that, in all good faith, it is easy to interpret the same thing in different ways.

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