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I was hoping that someone out there knew something I didn't on this, because that was the conclusion I came to in my research, that nobody even has a conceptual stack.

That said, I think OpenCOG has the closest to something of a larger conceptual stack in mind based on the atom-space approach. I think the folks over at Deep Mind might have some thoughts, and perhaps the numenta people as well.

I only take a hobby interest in this stuff but one approach is the one DeepMind has taken to learning video games described a bit here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://...

Their system is I think an AGI as in artificial general intelligence system though not at human levels yet (apart from playing Breakout and Space Invaders). Here's Demis Hassabis talking about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X-NdPtFKq0&feature=youtu.be...

Stack is their Torch machine learning library partly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torch_(machine_learning)

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