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OK, help me understand:

Is there any difference between CoA and design patterns? Sure, "Broker topology" is probably trivial, but so's Chain Of Responsibility and Decorators and everything else the Gang of Four touches on.

So, are you just as opposed to design patterns as CoA?

I want to be clear on this, I am not at all opposed to design patterns. I am not opposed to architecture. The part of CoA that bothers me is the C (culture).

That is to say: There are many great problems to solve and some reusable strategies that can be employed to solve them. However, in my experience (such as this article), many people who talk most loudly/frequently about architecture are parroting this complex and unquestioned set of assumptions and behaviors (read: culture) in a counterproductive way. Again, those behaviors include: reinventing a complicated words for simple ideas (and using them in front of audiences without defining them), creating UML diagrams even for audiences they don't expect to know UML, focusing on adding a lot of new named "patterns" to their mental book of patterns.

For example, since somebody brought it up, take CQRS. Firstly, the way Fowler and Wikipedia explain this are vastly different, if not contradictory (indicating an issue). Secondly, it can be explained (the wikipedia version) as [to quote wikipedia] "methods should return a value only if they are referentially transparent and hence possess no side effects." This has so many exceptions I wonder why it justifies its own acronym.

And the perhaps worst of all part of this culture is that members of the culture then find a need to explicitly use all of these patterns in the most verbose ways. The more obscure the pattern and the more complex, the better they feel, like a 15-year-old who just discovered a thesaurus. Pretty soon they have 3 classes named things like MessagingLoopInterpreterInterface to achieve very basic things.

I feel the same way much of the time.

However, I think much of the value of having design patterns and fancy vocabulary for architecture boils down to having simple, short names for complicated, yet common, patterns and principles.

For example, if you're being onboarded into a team of twelve to develop an already somewhat large product, the phrase "it's an n-tier application, with many of our older models' data access layers using some kind of CQRS" is immediately meaningful and useful to you, in the same way referring to 1000+ line objects as "adapters" or "aggregates" is meaningful and useful to you.

Having this vocabularly enables communication of an intended purpose and responsibility for arbitrarily large swaths of code in a way that boilerplate documentation and tests can't.

(Naturally, if you're writing something from the ground-up, or you're one of a small handful of developers on the project, the value of this is somewhere between negative and negligible, which might explain the polarization of opinion on this topic...)

Unfortunately, the Wikipedia article [1] doesn't distinguish between CQRS (command-query responsibility segregation) and CQS (command-query separation). They are entirely different concepts. Compare Fowler's CQRS article [2] to his CQS article [3].

CQS is an old OO design principle suggesting that an object's behavior is easier to reason about if every method either changes the state of the object or interrogates its current state. That's not always possible, but it's a helpful habit.

CQRS is the idea that use cases involving searching and reporting across many entities are fundamentally different from use cases involving interactions with particular entities. It is therefore sometimes worthwhile to develop separate data models for searching and reporting that are updated asynchronously.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command–query_separation

[2] http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html

[3] http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CommandQuerySeparation.html

> it can be explained (the wikipedia version) as [to quote wikipedia] "methods should return a value only if they are referentially transparent and hence possess no side effects

This simply isn't even accurate at all; that "it can be explained" as such is just plain false.

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