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How is the Köln incident "not an immigration issue"?

The evidence clearly shows that many of the perpetrators were not from Germany.

It surely is an immigration issue.

The rise in anti-immigrant sentiment throughout Europe is because Köln isn't an isolated case.

Köln-type incidents happen on a daily basis, but typically on a much smaller scale.

These small-scale incidents, which range from muggings to assaults to burglary to murder, combined with larger-scale incidents like Köln and Paris, put Europeans in a bad position.

Of course these Europeans will begin to question their past generosity!

Why should these Europeans continue to offer these foreigners so much kindness, aid and opportunity, only to have the foreigners commit various crimes against these Europeans?

Stross throws around terms like "racist clowns", "xenophobia", and "bigotry", yet that's exactly what we haven't seen from Europeans for so many decades now.

Europeans have been more than welcoming, and offered unselfish charity to so many foreigners.

Yet despite showing so much good will and kindness, Europeans have come to suffer as a result of their efforts to help others.

Any backlash that the foreigners face in Europe is because of how disgracefully so many of these foreigners have treated Europeans.

Well, it's only an 'immigration issue' if this kind of behaviour is unique to immigrants. Would that it were so.

If you're curious about this aspect of European life, I would recommend a whirlwind tour of European capitals during the high summer, and make sure you stay up late. It doesn't make front page news typically, because it's regarded as normal - and many people avoid known problem areas at night accordingly. Britain in my experience is particularly bad, but the mix of alcohol, men, and late nights is rarely a good one. Parents, don't let your daughters grow up without self-defence lessons.

It's far from a new problem either:


If such activity is common on summer nights, where are the hundreds of criminal complaints ? Or what's the confounding phenomenon that makes only Colognes NYE generate such complaints ?

No it is not. The case would have been covered up, no matter if the perpetuating people from were legal residents or illegal, as long as they were from Arab countries and Africa. So in that sense - it is not a immigration issue.

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