Please check our research papers linked on the webpage.
Our data consists only from normal (or natural looking) face images in the wild (from IMDB, Wiki, and/or BLINQ user profiles). On such data we get very good apparent age prediction (better than the human reference) and also very good gender and attractiveness prediction.
The attractiveness is highly subjective and its perception varies from one culture/region to another. We used data from Switzerland.
Our solutions are far from being perfect and the guessed results should not be taken too seriously.
We consider to update our models to explicitly deal with distortions and non-human face contents.
Our data consists only from normal (or natural looking) face images in the wild (from IMDB, Wiki, and/or BLINQ user profiles). On such data we get very good apparent age prediction (better than the human reference) and also very good gender and attractiveness prediction.
The attractiveness is highly subjective and its perception varies from one culture/region to another. We used data from Switzerland.
Our solutions are far from being perfect and the guessed results should not be taken too seriously.
We consider to update our models to explicitly deal with distortions and non-human face contents.