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This sort of thing is what makes me hopeful for a Linux desktop one day-- that I actually enjoy using. I'm really excited to give this a try.

Does anyone know where to download or when it'll be available? Doesn't seem to be available yet?

According to the links in the top bar "Remix OS for PC" [0] is coming in mid-January.

[0]: http://www.jide.com/en/remixos-for-pc

Edit: apparently this will include windows and mac, so assuming it's going to be like a normal distro.

It looks like it's available to flash on some Nexus devices, and their own tablet is shipping within the next month or so: http://www.jide.com/en/remixos/devices

While I'm skeptical about using RemiXOS on a desktop machine, the tablet looks really nice.

You can always try it on their own desktop hardware, which is pretty cheap: http://www.jide.com/en/mini

I have no idea how open it is to modification in practice, though. I might consider trying it if I can get a proper shell on it (similar to the Android shell you get in an emulator when using 'adb shell'), even if I cannot fork their DE code itself.

Looks like it's available on their custom hardware, but not as software only.

From the bottom of the page:

Disclaimer: Remix OS is only licensed to authorized business partners and pre-loaded on specific product models of those partners;it's not intended for personal use.

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