Per Wikipedia, Stallman wrote the GPLv1 in 1989. I wasn't even born then.
Moreover, I doubt this is a good argument. Would the Mill ( be possible using Free Software (consider the GCC exceptions were pushed way too late, circa 2009 per
Would Linux even exist without at least BSD having been released?
I'm more of a copyleft than a 'BSD libertarian', but I don't think we can look at RMS's contribution by comparing what was before and what is now if for no other reason because it's impossible to separate what is due to copyleft, what is due to BSD-style and what is due to a mixture of both.
Important: the author comments in that thread and claims it's satire. I think it's in poor taste, but I'm relieved to know this isn't truly intended to be used.
To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer RMS
The slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune 500
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing GNU end them.
>It’s not about hating free software. I’m a believer in that; I released my first game for free in 1982. Note that the github thing I put up is essentially totally free (something I would have been restricted from doing, by my employer, up to a year ago).
I have a personal dislike for RMS and I think that his philosophy of economy is at best naïve and dangerously unworkable. 25 years ago he was exhorting me to quit my job in protest to support some of his politics and he wasn’t pleasant about it. Thus, ABRMS.