Seems a reasonably complete assembler too with one notable exception: Forward jumps, conditionals specifically. These may be a tad tricky to fit in to a monad because they require either knowing the future (eg. how far away the jump target is) or rewriting the past (eg. leave a hole and fill it in later).
I'd really like to see both approaches in Haskell, since they're kinda different. My guess is that in the former case, you'd have nested/delimited monads with buffers. However, I don't know Haskell enough to figure out how to accomplish the hole-filling approach.
EDIT: On second thought, I guess both approaches (traditionally "two-pass" vs "one-pass" assemblers) can be accomplished by changing labels to be opaque rather than addresses and storing a symbol table in either JITMem or the two-types that would replace it for a two-pass approach.
I haven't looked at this one in detail, but MonadFix and the recursive do syntax ( will probably solve this problem by allowing forward references.
Seems a reasonably complete assembler too with one notable exception: Forward jumps, conditionals specifically. These may be a tad tricky to fit in to a monad because they require either knowing the future (eg. how far away the jump target is) or rewriting the past (eg. leave a hole and fill it in later).
I'd really like to see both approaches in Haskell, since they're kinda different. My guess is that in the former case, you'd have nested/delimited monads with buffers. However, I don't know Haskell enough to figure out how to accomplish the hole-filling approach.
EDIT: On second thought, I guess both approaches (traditionally "two-pass" vs "one-pass" assemblers) can be accomplished by changing labels to be opaque rather than addresses and storing a symbol table in either JITMem or the two-types that would replace it for a two-pass approach.