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A little sad to see sun.com redirecting to oracle.

Edit: Consoling myself that this is a better fate than just dying off like SGI

My 1st job in the valley was working for SGI. Seeing our one-time rival become a forgotten memory makes me a little sad all over again.

Some of the best OS Kernel engineers that ever walked, walked the hallways of those two companies.

SGI is still around, http://www.sgi.com/. They were recently purchased by Rackable who took the SGI name.

Yes, I got somewhat emotional(?) too. It was a birthplace of so many great ideas-- Java being the least of them. I personally feel "The network is the computer" was one of the most important ideas of the last century (the other being "a computer on every desk"), and one that Google and others are capitalizing on today.

It's really sad to see such a company dissolve away.

That's an understatement.

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