There is also a lack of best practices, combined with constantly breaking changes. Every tutorial before the last month is already outdated, and everybody has a different way of setting up webpack / isomorphism / templating.
I call bullshit on you calling bullshit on every point of this comment.
> How many 'best practices' do you need?
Actually, there should only be one way to do something in a framework. While not a framework, think about the Go language. Go is a very strict, almost paternal language that 'enforces' best practices in the language itself by giving you only one way to do something. Angular, on the other hand, provides numerous ways to create a service. Because of this confusion, the Angular team provides best practices. It's like saying, 'we screwed up in designing this thing, so you have to read all the documentation to find out the subtle differences in all this bullshit.' It's not the lack of best practices that concerns me, it's the abundance of them that gets shipped with a bloated framework that wasn't designed well.
>Every large release?I seriously doubt it.
Think of all the pain involved in removing all of the digest cycle code when switching from Angular 1.4 to Angular 2.0.
> No they don't, maybe a small differences and what do you mean with 'templating'? It's not Angular.
Seriously? There are no small differences between Django templates, Soy templates (client and server side), and Angular templates to name a few. They are all very different yet they do essentially the same thing. At least Soy templates can be used outside of a framework (with either JS or Java).