This is a cool set of projects, though it would be better titled: "100 Days of UIKit."
There are Swift-focused ways to build apps, but the use cases where Swift shines tend to be on the application architecture side rather than the visual result.
That said, you're bound to learn a lot about Swift by virtue of using it to build UIKit projects, so well done!
Agreed. There are a few things there I don't know how to do off the top of my head, and it would have been awfully useful to see at least a small snippet of code...
This is pretty neat. As a professional iOS developer who loves Obj-C (yeh omg), this is a good set of projects/tutorials to compete step by step. I'd suggest cleaning up your code and posting on github. It'll be a great way for people to reference and even possibly show your future employers.
Anyone know what his experience level (with programming in general) was outside of swift prior to starting?
Was this a pro iOS developer learning to do stuff he already knew in another language, or a guy who's never written a line of code in his life before this?
"My background is Motion Graphics and I’m a self-taught Web Developer. I know HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, jQuery, some Ruby and Python, but haven’t built an app before."
His Linkedin profile sheds some light on this (don't want to be creepy and link to it or anything, it's pretty easily discoverable via his blog if you're interested).
I would really love to learn more about these sorts of advanced animation techniques honestly - never bothered to learn much about them, given how painful they were on Android.
Totally clicked thinking this was going to be some of weird but interesting Taylor Swift shrine, but yeah, this is cool too. Useful for my buddies who work with iOS devices.
nice to see that you've managed to engage and improve yourself using swift for 100 days.
being a reletiely new languauge, i think it would have been a more interesting article if you had compared / benchmarked it to a languages you already know and use…
There are Swift-focused ways to build apps, but the use cases where Swift shines tend to be on the application architecture side rather than the visual result.
That said, you're bound to learn a lot about Swift by virtue of using it to build UIKit projects, so well done!